What You Need to Know About the Attorney Directory
How can you find a qualified and experienced attorney? Use the Modern Attorney Directory to locate and hire a qualified attorney in your region. Attorneys serve as a legal representative regarding any legal matter you might have. This representation may consist of:
What can you look for when hiring an attorney? One of the best resources for finding qualified attorneys is the AVRO (American Bar Association) Public Records Pro database. You will find public court records, case numbers, case status, docket numbers, and more. This information is updated frequently so you will be able to find information quickly. AVRO also provides a search function so you can locate an attorney based on the proximity of their office or location.
An additional resource is the Online Bar Directory. This directory includes state bar associations, super lawyers, state Bar associations, and other professional groups. You will be able to view the qualifications, experience, and contact information for lawyers practicing in your practice area. Many online directories maintained by professionals maintain a list of the most qualified attorneys based on location. This is very helpful because you are able to review the qualifications and experience of a potential attorney before making a choice.
Super Lawyers is another legal directory that maintains a list of active barristers, solicitors, and lawyers. To obtain access to this listing, you will need to have a login ID and password. Once logged in, you can find a list of active lawyers with a good standing and make a selection based on location. The list is categorized by state and city.
US News Law is a database of modern attorneys. When reviewing the directory, you can search for attorneys by their area of expertise, specialty, or state of residence. For example, if you want to locate an attorney who practices in New York, you can select “New York Attorneys” or “NY Attorney Directory”. This feature provides information on all licensed New York attorneys in good standing. This directory also features helpful information on various topics including family law, criminal law, real estate and corporate law, and family law matters.
In addition to the above mentioned resources, you can obtain more specific information by accessing the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) website. This site contains detailed information on every type of state license: attorney, paralegal, and notary public. Once logged in, you can find a complete list of state bar associations as well as an overview of the rules governing licenses. Additionally, you can obtain your own bar license certification, review NALA’s national rating system, and search for state-specific information. This website provides useful tools for a broad ranging review of your local area to practice law.
The Internet can also be used to research the experience level of any prospective attorney. You can access the website of a particular firm or review NALA’s database of member firms to obtain contact information, or search for a particular type of attorney. As previously mentioned, you can also use the resources available at the National Association of Legal Assistants’ website to research the practice bar rating of any prospective attorney.
Finally, the Attorney Directory is a great resource in case you are considering retaining a particular lawyer in the practice area. If you are new to the practice area, you can review potential attorney profiles in this directory and note their track record. If you have a limited amount of experience in a specific area, you can search for attorneys with more experience. While you are reviewing profiles, keep in mind that every lawyer has different strengths and weaknesses and you will want to hire a competent attorney to handle your case.